Find $15550 (three 5000s, one 500 and two 25s) in official scrip like traveler checks or bonds sitting on sidewalk next to hat. I strongly suspect it’s probably a hidden camera thing, but on way out police are searching cars. There are four of us in on the conspiracy, convinced this will change our lives.
Months later we are on a long spaceship journey. The crew, all claimant’s to the money-treasure, keep it in a special box on a table by itself, like a reliquary. There’s even more of us. During a face grooming session by one of the team, I’m told to pick my face pimple before continuing. Under the head, it excretes a long red waxy tube. Even under that is lots of liquid white pus which dumps directly into a trash can. The medic of the team has to instruct an animalistic crewmember not to eat it, as he normally might.