Dream Journal

Flashing Under Dress Robes

My wife and I have assigned rooms, and I’m visiting and essentially staying in her room. She’s decorated it differently than I would’ve, a layered golden yellow autumnal theme integrating wild-gathered elements. As we talk, I prep for a bath in a large plastic bin (similar to the rat cage I’m making). I wear a reversible skull mask as we talk.

I pass by a partially outdoor class seated and having group discussion. I jump into the air as I go by, floating down slowly. I may have flashed my underwear under these dress robes we all wear here — I didn’t mean to be disrespectful, oops.

Conservatives are trying to elect a high ranking general, thinking that he’s on their side. Meanwhile, the guy is actually an ethical patriot, but he’s of course not going to tell them — they might find somebody else.

Dream Journal

New Friends at Race Checkpoint, in Mexico

Running in a jogging race in Mexico. Doing well on position, I’m last before a drawbridge goes up, and have time to notice Rudy Giuliani in the front on the other side. I drop my drawers to moon my ass, to him especially. I catch up to my friend ahead (Mickey? Robby?) and I explain this, though I mention that maybe dropping pants more complicated than I thought. Smack his butt as we run along, though I normally wouldn’t perform such a bro-y gesture.

Further on, there’s a check-in space in the small courtyard of a fancy hotel that maybe looks like a Pueblo. Make quick friends with the checker.

Soon though, the dream is taken over by evil clowns — like something from the show Legion; time demons or the shadow king. I keep calm and just pay attention to the experience, allowing it to pass over me and simply be what’s happening. Eventually the moment passes; maybe they got bored of us.

I agree to stay on until the checker can leave. We talk about the coast of Mexico, the shoreland of Cancun which I view on the map as somehow on the west coast. Reminiscent of other dreams, the craggy coast of ancient Greece or rural northern California.

While waiting on my new friend, several of us start feeding guinea pigs chunks of baked potato. One is adorably an order of magnitude bigger than others, which is terribly endearing for all of them.

I end up staying on longer than expected. I ask how much longer My checker friend thinks we need to stay, as it seems all participants have passed. I don’t remember the answer, but it strikes me now how he reminds me the kid I knew in Middle School and haven’t really thought about since: Ted Takahashi. (Hm… a character from deep storage I suppose.)