Dream Journal

Dream of the Right Psych Ward, and the Wrong Restaurant

Sneak into a psych ward that has Shaquille O’Neill, move into the next room over from “the old bed,” i.e. a place where something of reverence happened in the past. Too much respect to go there now. Sexed up a blonde midget girl, but somehow it’s only masturbation.

Book a reservation at a nice restaurant for whole family, get cheated by Native American banker-type who asks us a bunch of questions about being intravenous drug users. Our dinner reservation is canceled and he keeps the money. As were driving away in the car I am holding a pen and berating my family, especially my mom about “this is why I think we shouldn’t have money at all, is if we let people like that exploit it”. Guy rides by on a buffalo and I go “boooo!” No recollection whatsoever of this dream now (May 2017) and it sounds really unlike me, and most other dreams I’ve had.

Anya getting punished for screwing up…

Driving in Malta… looks like us…

Blue haired freak 20-year-old dating Gene Roddenberry…

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