Talking with Katie Petro lying on my lap about people we know. There’s one we both know, but don’t know how. We guess we know them through Julian. I get a text from a girl name Jane and tell her (or maybe Lynae) about it. It’s a right of passage almost since I’ve never had a girl I dated message me that I forgot about. Katie gets off me and I have the thought that I could go anywhere and be anything, and I’m here. Im looking at a ceiling that moment.
I’m driving around with Lynae and trying to send her an image of what I think my face looks like at that moment. She tries the same. They are distorted, a kind of Picasso effect.
I find a video of Italians doing Russian in thick accents and post it to Tumblr. By the time I’m posting it it’s become NSFW Italian grandma makeouts.