Dream Journal

Girl I Barely Know on my Lap

Talking with Katie Petro lying on my lap about people we know. There’s one we both know, but don’t know how. We guess we know them through Julian. I get a text from a girl name Jane and tell her (or maybe Lynae) about it. It’s a right of passage almost since I’ve never had a girl I dated message me that I forgot about. Katie gets off me and I have the thought that I could go anywhere and be anything, and I’m here. Im looking at a ceiling that moment.

I’m driving around with Lynae and trying to send her an image of what I think my face looks like at that moment. She tries the same. They are distorted, a kind of Picasso effect.

I find a video of Italians doing Russian in thick accents and post it to Tumblr. By the time I’m posting it it’s become NSFW Italian grandma makeouts.

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